Sunday, December 11, 2011

More Good News - December 11, 2011

Because Ted was so "active" on Thursday, he basically slept all day Friday and was pretty groggy on Saturday. This morning, his attending physician told me that he was "amazed" and "extremely pleased" with
Ted's progress. Ted seemed alert and was moving all extremities in response to commands and gesturing to provide information. His left eye is partially open, and he keeps trying to open it with his fingers - unsuccessfully. He is still wearing a full head bandage and it is wrapped around his chin as well. The bleeding from the surgery has almost stopped. When it stops, he will get his helmet. I understand that it will look like  an old-style football helmet. He will need to wear it to protect the area of missing skull. He is still on an NG tube, which they want to remove. But, he must be able to swallow. Right now, he does not have use of his tongue. They keep asking him to stick out his tongue - he tries, but nothing happens. They want him to start eating regular food, but he must be able to swallow.

When we left Ted this afternoon, he was watching NFL football and falling asleep. Some things don't change. That is what he has done on Sundays for years!

Your prayers have been very effective and appreciated. Please keep them going.... We appreciate your concern and care about Ted and us. Fondly, Anne


  1. Hey there Ted...I fall asleep watching "whatever". Keep up the good work to recovery!
    The Pickoff's, Carrell & Arthur

  2. Dear Ted, Anne, Thomas, David and Christine. Thanks for posting this blog. I have read most of the posts and feel very encouraged by their upbeat attitude of gratitude. Roberta and I will join your friends and family in praying for Ted's continued rapid recovery and for strength, endurance and relief for Anne, for the rest of you too, but especially for Anne. How firm thy friendship!
    David E. Larson (and Roberta E. Longfellow)
