Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 28, 2011 - GOOD NEWS

I just received the telephone call from Miami Valley Hospital rehab that Ted will be admitted to their rehab unit, pending insurance approval. They do not expect any insurance approval issues. This was my first choice for rehab. So, after two prior denials, the third time is the charm. Ted did really well yesterday. He walked up and down the hall on three separate occasions  and is actually putting on his helmet, but has trouble taking it off - the snap gives him a problem....They do not know if he will move today or tomorrow.

Ted  is still not talking, but is attempting to do so.

My understanding from MVH rehab is that they will work with him a total of three hours a day on physical therapy ( getting him to stand and walk independently), occupational therapy ( getting him to use his hands such as for eating, writing, dressing - zippers, buttons, snaps, turning pages on books and newspapers), and speech therapy ( helping him to swallow, talk, communicate, and cognitive skills).

The expectation for rehab is 2-3 weeks, but I will know more when I have my first conference with the case manager on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Their goal is to get him to a point where he can go home. There is an expectation that he will have a caregiver in the home for awhile.

Once in rehab, Ted will start wearing clothes again. I am sure that he will be glad to get out of the hospital gown and to have some sense of dignity.

This is wonderful news for the new year..... Thank you all for your continuing support and for your prayers. Continue to keep Ted and us in your prayers. This next step is critical for Ted to get his "life back". Keep praying..... those prayers are effective. Thanks again, Anne

1 comment:

  1. Have been following Ted's journey. Glad he will be moving to rehab! Noticed that they had planned on putting in a G-tube but didn't? At any rate hoping for a very positive New Year for Ted & the entire family!
