Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Ted will be discharged from Miami Valley Hospital on Monday, December 26, and will be transferred by ambulance to a rehab facility. That facility is unknown at this time. He has been turned down by several for the reason that he is not sufficiently strong to undergo the rehab activities. The social worker is working on this transition. I had a 2+ hour meeting on Friday afternoon with " the team" about his situation. It was longer than I expected, and was probably long overdue. It is surprising how many communication deficits occur in a hospital. They were surprised at things which had not been told to me, and were also surprised at things that I knew that I should not have known!

In the words of one of the comfort/safety sitters who hadn't seen him in a week, WOW, he has come a long way in a week. Ted has been standing, sitting, and even took 5 steps yesterday. He enjoyed watching The Christmas Story, one of his favorite movies. When asked yesterday if he wanted a  Christmas gift, he nodded affirmatively. He received an "oldies" Christmas CD (Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, etc.) last night. He appeared to be reading the front and back.

He is still not talking, but is trying. When all four of us were visiting last night, he tried to say three words to Christine. It was not understandable, but we now know the identity of his favorite family member! That is no surprise. The question is.... what was he trying to say.....Are you taking golf lessons from Joel? Are you practicing your putting? Have you been to the driving range?

He is still not swallowing effectively so a feeding tube was inserted  on Friday. This will enable him to go to rehab. When the boys were drinking pepsi's, he appeared to be very interested in having one himself. That is a good goal! Start swallowing so you can have a pepsi! I have been informed that the coordination of muscles is a very difficult task for the brain to handle, but will eventually figure it out.

He still sleeps most of the time, which is probably the most important activity for him at this time. It has been explained to me that his brain is desperately looking for the proper pathways to make the appropriate links and connections. They are very encouraged at his progress and his desire to listen, talk, respond to commands, and to communicate by gestures.

I was told on Friday that it will be about a year before we know how he "settles in.".

For those who have asked what you can do for Ted, me, or the family, please continue your prayers for the next year (2012). Those prayers are the most effective and helpful thing that you can do. He is ahead of schedule and there is no doubt that it is due to those effective prayers.

We thank you for taking time out of this busy and wonderful season to think of us and pray for us. Humor is extremely important...... when thinking of Ted, think of a humorous event involving him, including one where he was the butt of the joke. If you would like to email them to me, I would love to share them with him. Laugher is always a good remedy!

Merry Christmas to you and yours. We are headed for church and then to see Ted! Anne

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