Friday, December 16, 2011

December 16, 2011 - more progress

Ted was moved from Intensive Care to the trauma unit yesterday. His sister Sue happened to be there visitng when the move occurrred. He still has a "companion" or "comfort therapist" that sits with him 24 hours per day. They want to make sure that he doesn't do anything to the "brain flap".

He seemed alert and watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy - two favorites. He is still not swallowing or talking, but he is coughing, growling, chuckling some. Any throat noises are good and signs of improvement. .

I brought him "toys "- books and a Rubick's cube. He seemed most interested in the Rubick's cube. He held all of the books very gingerly, but did not open them. The fact that he can hold anything is also a sign of improvement. He is beginning to use his hands.

Keep those caring thoughts and prayers coming! They are effective and much appreciated. Anne

1 comment:

  1. Keeping good thoughts headed Ted's way. Rubick's cube is Arthur's "standard" hospitalization gift :-)
