Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Ted had appointments yesterday and today with his rehab doctor and neurosurgeon. Both docs are extremely happy and amazed at his progress and are now expectant for much more progress over the next 18-24 months! Ted will have surgery next Wednesday to replace the piece of skull that was removed in December to allow his brain to swell during the healing process. The skull is in his abdomen. It will be retrieved and put back with titanium clamps to stay. He is expected to be in the hospital 2-3 days. He is expected to walk out with no helmet, and he will be off 24-hour supervision. No visitors please while he is in the hospital this last time.

Ted "asked"  Dr. Moncrief if he would improve so that he could teach again at Sinclair Community College. Ted was ecstatic when Dr. Moncrief saw no reason why that could not occur in time.

Ted is sick and tired of the helmet and 24-hour supervision. He is excited about this step in his progress. His feeding tube comes out on Thursday. He is close to becoming a "normal" human being, with some hints of The Bionic Man.

Since last Tuesday, Ted has consistently done the sudoku puzzle in the Dayton Daily News every day. He is very proud of that fact.

On Saturday, I took him to the Miami Valley Bridge Center for an hour to watch his partner, John Meinking, play the last part of a bridge game. Ted understood what was going on, but got very tired after 45 minutes. Stamina, Ted..... Stamina......

Ted is looking forward to playing bridge again,,,,, and also to golf. As I left him today after we returned home, he was going outside with his physical therapist. He is walking really well, and hopes to be carrying his golf bag and walking the links again.

Ted is starting to put together more words. He is putting together 4-5 words, but is still not completing a sentence. BUT, he is almost there! To be honest, Christine and I are very tired of the gesturing and are anxious for him to be fully conversational. Our discompassionate, callous natures have worked fairly well to get him to this level of progress. We have been putting the pressure on to speak in complete sentences. It will come!

If it is not too much of a burden, I ask you to continue to pray and support Ted in this next step of his journey. He is frustrated with the constant companionship by a caregiver or me, and yearns for his privacy. But, we are all learning patience. Your prayers have been so important and effective to get him and us this far, please don't stop now!  Much appreciation from all of us........ Anne



  1. There is no burden in wishing Ted continued improvement! Also for the family.
